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SSAT Percentiles

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SSAT Percentiles

In addition to your scaled score, the SSAT score report provides percentile rankings for each category, comparing your performance to that of other students in the same grade who have taken the test in the past three years. If you score in the 60th percentile, this means you are scoring better than 60% of other students in your grade taking the exam.

These percentile rankings provide a more accurate way of evaluating student performance at each grade level. However, the SSAT percentiles are a comparison against only other students who have taken the SSAT, and these tend to be very high-achievers. Students should not be discouraged if their percentile rankings appear low.

Because the Elementary Level exam is new in 2012, percentile data for this test has not yet been released


Median Scores (SSAT 50th Percentile)
Middle Level5569584563
Upper Level8629662647


SSAT Scoring

All of the multiple-choice questions on the SSAT are equal in value, and your raw score for these sections is calculated as follows:

  • one mark is given for every question answered correctly

  • ¼ mark is deducted for every question answered incorrectly

  • no marks are awarded or deducted for questions left blank

Therefore, your raw score is based on the number of questions correctly answered subtracted by one-quarter point for each question you answer incorrectly.

Your raw score is then converted into a scaled score for each section (Verbal, Math, and Reading) that represents how well you did in comparison with other students taking the same exam:

  • Elementary Level scaled score: 300-600 for each section, 900-1800 total

  • Middle Level scaled score: 440-710 for each section, 1320-2130 total

  • Upper Level scaled score: 500-800 for each section, 1500-2400 total

The writing sample is not scored, but is sent to the schools you are applying to as a sample of your writing skills. Admissions officers may use your essay to evaluate your writing ability when they are making admissions decisions.

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